
Here you will find out about the ongoing work that the Friends of Ham Hill have enabled as well as the upcoming projects.

Roman Treasure Trail

In October the new Roman Treasure Trail at Ham Hill was launched to allow you to go on a quest through time. The Friends of Ham Hill (FoHH) have created the ‘Ham Hill Roman Treasure Trail’ leaflet thanks to funding from the Prime Foundation, as well as support from SSDC Countryside Ranger team. The Treasure…

National Tree Planting Day

A great big thank you to our community and the 60 tree planters who helped the Friends, volunteers and Ham Hill Rangers plant 380 trees on Saturday 20th November 2019. This event was held as part of Nation Tree Week an the Woodland Trust’s Big Climate Fight Back Tree Planting Day. The trees were funded…

The 2020 Calendar is here!

Our photo competition attracted almost 200 wonderfully diverse entries from all over Ham Hill – thank you to everyone who submitted pictures!! All of them were great and the judges had quite a challenge selecting those that show off the beauty and diversity of Ham Hill Country Park. Congratulations to all of the winners: Nigel…

Pop Up Museum

A huge thank you to everyone who helped to support the Pop- Up Museum. It was a big success and 2622 people participated across 42 days with 334 visitor surveys completed. A stunning 43 events across the period with 1424 children (and some adults) participating in the activities and sessions. During that time 15kg of…

Fun Dog Show

The Ham Hill Fun Dog Show was held in August, organized by Donna and Sarah to help raise funds for the Ferne Animal Sanctuary and the FoHH. The event was a tremendous success, with many stalls and various classes. A number of classes were very popular with a high number of entries and there was…